India Building Fundraiser

Disclaimer: Names and exact locations have not been revealed in order to protect the identities of our partners in the field.

Pastor X and his family have been serving God among the gypsy community for over 25 years. They have more than 100 believers in their fellowship with many still getting baptized. For many years they met for worship in Pastor X’s small rented house, but as the church grew, they could not fit all those people into a tiny room. Our partner organization was able to help Pastor X buy a piece of land to build a church in 2020. They were able to build a thatched roof mock-up church that same year and were happy to finally have a place they could worship the Lord.


The church gathers once a month for all-night prayer when they pray for the lost. During their prayer meeting in the first week of June 2022, a thunderstorm caused heavy rainfall and their church collapsed. One member of the church escaped from a cement pole falling on top of her but still ended up with wounds. She was taken to a hospital and given 12 stitches. A few others sustained minor injuries.

Now Pastor X and his congregation have no place to worship. They do not know what to do and have nowhere to turn for help in India, especially since Christians are going through heavy persecution. 

Churches in rural India can be built for a tiny fraction of the cost to build a church in America, but for the poor in India, the cost is far beyond their reach. Mercy Global and our partner organization in India are asking for donations to help rebuild the church for Pastor X and his congregation. We would also like to provide financial assistance to the woman who was injured to cover her hospital costs. 

Please join us in praying that God would stir up the willing hearts of people to give for the building of this church. If you would like to make a financial contribution, please click the button below.