Our Global Partners

Mercy Global partners with Christian organizations and missionaries around the world that prioritize a grassroots and holistic approach to spreading God’s love.

Current Partnerships

  • India

    Mercy Global partners with a network of Indian pastors in Karnataka, the southwest region of India, to minister to the Devadasi women and their children. Our aim is to empower them to experience a life of freedom that comes from receiving God’s Grace and to view themselves as God views them: beloved.

    Devadasis are women dedicated to the worship and service of a Hindu god/goddess. In most cases, girls from the lowest ("untouchable") caste as young as four years old are "married" off to a god/goddess by their parents due to extreme poverty. In the local language, they have a saying about Devadasis: "Servant of god, but wife of the whole town" because in reality, they are sex slaves. As a result, both women and children are left marginalized and oppressed within their society. In 1988, India's government enacted laws prohibiting the dedication of Devadasis, but the practice still exists today. According to the National Human Rights Commission, in 2013, there were as many as 450,000 Devadasis in India.

  • Colombia

    Mercy Global partners with an organization comprised of Wayuu Christians and Venezuelan missionaries to minister to the Wayuu people, an indigenous people group that resides in Colombia and Venezuela. Our main goal is to share the Gospel with the unreached Wayuu population and to disciple the Christian Wayuu youth.

    The Wayuu people of Colombia currently inhabit the Guajira Peninsula, the 2nd poorest region in the Americas. They live in extreme poverty, struggling daily with hunger and lack of access to clean water. They have had to endure exploitation of their land, misallocation of their water resources, and water poisoning caused by a multinational coal mining company. In the past five years, over 3000 Wayuu children have died as a result of malnutrition and lack of proper medical care.

Past Partnerships